Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nothing to Write Home About

The monotony of nothingness has set in. I have no job. (I am freelancing some - those are good days, and sending out resumes from home) It is cold out. And today it is snowing and raining. And overall just not fun to be out walking around. So I bake. And watch Gilmore Girls. But there is really nothing new and exciting. But I want to keep updating this blog. And I wonder - is the nothingness worth writing about, does anyone want to read it. This week I am considering it a good day to shower and get dressed each day.

My week:

Last Thursday and Friday - I had freelance work. Out of the house - it was awesome.

Saturday - I finally got dressed late in the day. I won't say how late. And we went out to dinner at TJ's Asian Bistro and had sushi. For those in Woodside I highly recommend the Tokyo Roll.

Sunday - Sunday's are always good because we have church. And last Sunday Sarah had all the girls over for muffins and coffee. A great way to spend the morning.

Monday - Rob had some of the One Stuck Duck guys over to talk about progress on the music video. When they were done I turned off the Gilmore and did some socializing. Oh yeah, and in the morning Rob took me grocery shopping.

Tuesday - Hmmm, I guess here is where the nothing really set in. I watched Gilmore and made sugar cookie dough. And Rob made chicken parm for lunch. Yum! Then we walked to the mall. Yes, there is a mall in Queens, about 3 miles from here. So we walked to the mall, looked around, and then walked home. We were SOOOOOO tired.

Wednesday - This morning I made the cookies. And was showered and dressed at a decent hour. Today is a good day so far. And as I sit here typeing about nothing, and the play-by-play of my week, it really hasn't been that uneventful after all.

1 comment:

shelmes said...

Jan 21 - you are working, Jan 30 - not. That sucks! Got any leads?