Catching the Plane and Seeing the Mountains:
Last Monday Rob, his mom Valerie, and I flew to Albuquerque to visit Rob's Aunt Mary and her husband Ahad. We got in right on time after some early morning airport drama.
I travel frequently alone, and rarely check bags. Hence, I forgot all about crazy Christmas travel and people who don't fly often, and also forgot to take into account that we were checking bags and traveling with someone who has not flown since before 9-11. So I only allotted an hour and 15 minutes to check-in and get through security. The car was 15 minutes late, and by the time we got to the airport at 6 for a 6:55 flight, well you can imagine. The kiosk wasn't working for us because we had a flight that had been changed several times or some other unknown reason; and of course the line to see an agent was at least 90 minutes. Uggh. So we got to cut in line to get our boarding passes, and then I talked our way in to cutting in the security line too. Luckily we had no liquids or gels to worry about. And we made our flight just fine. Or bags however did not, and upon arriving in Albuquerque we left our address with the airline, and our bags were delivered about 8 hours later. Crises averted; I'll file this under things to remember about holiday travel.
Monday with Mary and Ahad was pretty low key, we were all jet lagged and stuff. They have the most beautiful house with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
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