Sunday, November 23, 2008

Triple Date Weekend

This weekend has been great for me and date night. Three dates in three days! Thank you to my super handsome and incredible husband.

Date #1: Friday night Rob and I went to Aubergine Cafe for wine and cheese. This was a great date, because it really started the weekend off right and I was able to get some stress relief and was ready to relax all day Saturday. The funny story here is Rob fell out of his chair while we were there. If you know me you probably know I really like to kiss Rob. And at the cafe I decided I needed a kiss, and Rob told me no, I was too far away, so I sat forward a little so that he could meet me halfway over the table. Rob gave in to my need for incessant kisses when we are out, and stood a little to kiss me over the table. However, when he sat up, the heavy winter coat on the back of his chair pulled the chair over. So after the kiss Rob went to sit down, only the chair was not there, and he ended up sitting in the space between the chair legs. So not a full fall, but the woman who saw him going down was worried. Then all I hear is my name yelled - KASEY! I laughed and blushed a little. But the kiss was totally worth it.

Date #2: Saturday night we grabbed a bite to eat at a diner then went to see Bolt in 3-D. Cute movie, the 3-D is really good. I was reminded however of why we usually wait a couple of weeks to go see kids movies. The crazy kids that are running around hopped up on coke and candy, and three of their best friends. I was impressed though at how well the rowdy boys in front of us in line behaved once the movie started. You should see this movie.

Date #3: Tonight after church we decided on sushi for dinner. We usually order and eat at home, but since we were already out decided to eat at the restaurant rather than getting our food to go. An impromptu date, but it counts doesn't it?

All in all a good weekend. And to top it off I even got around to cleaning the bathrooms and doing the dishes. So the apartment is clean too. Now if I can just get the the pile of papers toppling off my desk...maybe after three more dates.

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