Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Pictoral Look at Christmas

Rob and I started with gifts to each other on the 22nd. Here is me opening my stocking. Rob thoughtfully got me a cookie mix, that unfortunately opened before I took it out. Oops.
This is the hat I chose for Rob. I'm trying to draw him out a bit.Christmas morning with Flip.Keith and Haley at the Ables' Christmas.The "Kids" Clint, Katie, Kasey, Rob, Emily, ChrisThe Lipkes all sat in a row for dinner.Mom, Emmy, and Grant.Mom-mom and the grandkids.The famHaley saying good-bye...Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GREAT PICS!! We really enjoyed having you and Rob at home in Indiana for the holidays - Aunt Cynde